
Welcome to our Veterinary Practice

Veterinary Practice Dr. Cornelia Maul und Dr. Sabine Herget
Schwarzstraße 3 / Entrance Lilienstraße
Near Deutsches Museum
81669 München - Au

Phone: (089) 99 95 20 10
Fax: (089) 447 69 783
E-Mail: praxis@tierarzt-muenchen.de

Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr
Monday - Friday 16.00 Uhr - 19.00 Uhr

24 HOURS EMERCENCY SERVICE (Mo.-Fr.): 0172 - 760 91 01

Tierarztpraxis Maul + Herget Aussen
Dear customers,
we ask for your understanding, that, due to staff issues, we are no longer able to continue our standby services on holidays
and on the weekend between Saturday 1:00PM and Monday 8:00AM.
In this time please contact the clinics on duty (for example the Tierklinik Haar, Keferloher Str. 25, Haar, www.tierklinik-haar.de
or call the veterinary emergency rescue service at 01805/ 84 37 73.

Here is a short overview about our range of treatments:

General Check-up 
Blood analysis 
 Blood pressure measurement
 Cardiac and abdominal ultrasound
Measurement of intraocular pressure
Pet food advise 
X-ray Check-up 
Dental Check-up 
Geriatric Check-up 
Pediatric Check-up 
Travel preparation and travel medicine 
House calls
We all speak English.
If you need an appointment or have further questions please do not hesitate to call us or send us an e-mail.
We look forward to seeing you !